Okay, for those who follow my Twitter account you must already know the rough couple of weeks my dear friend Monamour has had. Consequently, I have also been affected emotionally by this as many of her friends have. I will take these lines to ask you to please keep her on your prayers, or send positive thoughts her way. Whatever, your belief is, please take a moment to send her your support, even if it's in a short message. You can leave messages of love, encouragement, strength and hope in this blog her friends have created for her:
Also, a renowned author in the fandom has been dealing with some serious health issues during the last week, and her readers and friends have created a blog as well to leave positive messages for her family, and for her to read WHEN she is in a better shape. If you read 'Guardian' by Allyinperth aka ChampagneAnyone you might have heard already of this, but if you don't I hope that after reading this, and even if you don't know her or have spoken to her before you also join us in leaving her messages of hope an love in this address:
Okay, now a small teaser for my readers who have patiently waited for me to get this chapter ready during this last week:
Visual Teaser:
I'm 99,9% sure I will update this Sunday. However, I must warn you my update schedule is not a sure thing from now on. It seems fate is conspiring against me lately, and things have occurred that delay my Betaing process, such as the fact that Monamour was one of my Betas. I'm doing everything I can to solve this, but finding a new Beta is not an easy task. So bear with me. I appreciate your kindness and encouragement during this time.
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