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19 Year old Peter Rothschild |
Disclaimer: These characters are the sole
property of Stephenie Meyer. I am just messing around with them.
A/N I don’t have a pre-reader or a Beta or
anything of the sort. All mistakes are mine and mine alone.
Sorry I wasn’t clear enough in the last
chapter. Bella is not sending those letters to Edward. For one he hasn’t sent
her any letters, not even a postcard—that she knows of. On the other side, on
those letters she’s pretty much pouring her heart out and confessing all of her
feelings. While the letters are innocent by today’s standards by Victorian
standards they are pretty scandalous, and if Bella were to send them and they
fell in the wrong hands they could ruin Bella’s reputation. Bella writes the
letters and hides them in a box.
A Love So Beautiful
Vineyard, United States of America 1890
“How could you?” I ask my aunt as I throw my bonnet violently against a
chair. I know I’m acting like a spoiled brat. I know such behaviour is beneath
a lady of my status and I know the servants are looking at us. But I don’t
care. I am so angry, livid. I can’t believe that my aunt could have betrayed my
trust and pushed me to meet a potential suitor. And what a potential suitor, she
found me! By my aunt’s own admission, Peter
Rothschild is a man that is as well known for his fortune as he is for his pursuit
of anything in a petticoat.
“Bella,” Aunt Leah says in a conciliatory tone. “I was just introducing
you to a friend of mine. He’s really a sweet boy, in spite of the ugly rumours,
and his mother and I have been friends since our years at finishing school. I
never expected you to react so negatively to being introduced to a friend!”
“A friend? Please aunt; it is fairly obvious to me what the intentions
behind that introduction were. You and mother are in cahoots! I trusted you,
aunt! You were the only one I didn’t need to pretend for!”
“Bella, hush. Please calm down,” Aunt Leah begs as she places her hands
over my trembling ones. I’m so incensed I’m shivering.
“Look at me,” she pleads and I meet her gaze. Her eyes are kind, sweet,
begging for my forgiveness. “Bella, I will admit that I wish for you to move
forward. I wish for you to smile as you used to smile, that honest smile that
disarmed us all. You are the light of this family, my child. And your glow has
been so dimmed these past few months.
“However, I know from my own experience that you can’t rush the matters
of the heart. You’ll heal when you’re prepared to leave the past behind you. I
did trick you—”
I try to free my hands from my aunt’s hold but she holds them within her
“Bella, please let me say my piece before you react. I did trick you into
meeting Peter but it was a favour. Peter’s mother is worried about the company
he keeps and the women he has been linked to in the past few months. Peter is
only nineteen, and already has the reputation of being one of the biggest rakes
in all of New York and the Islands. Mrs Rothschild noticed Peter showed an
interest in you the past few times you were in his vicinity, and she hoped I
could introduce you.
“I know you’re not ready to be courted and I know that Peter is not
looking to settle down. I agreed to Mrs Rothschild request merely because I
hoped you could prove a good influence in Peter. I consider that boy family and
would hate to see him squander his life like his late father did.”
“Aunt, my life is in shambles. What makes you think I could help him
change his ways? Do you know what I saw him doing last night? He was hiding
behind Mrs Vanderbilt's stairs doing God’s knows what with a blonde woman at
least ten years his senior.”
My aunt has the decency to blush at my revelation. She takes a seat in
front of the fire and signals to the maid, who has been silently observing our
argument from a corner, to have some tea brought.
I take a seat as well, feeling much calmer now that I know my aunt’s
intentions were not for me to form a romantic attachment with Peter.
“That must have been Mrs Denali. She has been sniffing after Peter ever
since he came back to the Vineyard. It’s precisely the reason why Peter’s
mother and I became so worried. Mrs Denali is an expert in corrupting young
boys. I would not be surprised if she pursues and affair with him.”
“Aunt, do you really think it’s wise for me to become friends with a man
who is quite clearly looking for his next mistress? Father and mother would not
approve of such friendship, and to be honest I find Mr Rothschild arrogant and infuriating.
He introduced himself to me without waiting for you to formally introduce us.
He addressed me as if we were old acquaintances.”
My aunt sighs and looks at me with hopeful eyes. “That is precisely why I
think you two could help each other. Peter was different. Something happened
during his last stay in New York that changed him. He used to be the sweetest,
most innocent boy his age. Yet, in a matter of months he has managed to make
himself a reputation to rival old Mr Rothschild’s—who was a notorious rogue. I
see something of your pain in him. I’m almost certain he has had his heart
broken like you have and that’s the reason behind his current behaviour.”
“You’re not sure though,” I remark. “He could very well be acting on his
own accord. New York is filled with unpalatable characters that could have
influenced Peter negatively. And even if you’re correct, what makes you think
that a friendship between us would benefit either of us.”
My aunt gives me that look that sometimes makes me wonder if she’s one of
those seers who claim they can see into the future.
“I have a feeling that you were supposed to be here at the same time as
Peter. Call me superstitious, but I feel as if this was all preordained. Would
you trust your old aunt and befriend a poor boy in need of a good influence?”
“Okay,” I agree reluctantly with a sigh. “But if he so much as tries to
steal a kiss I will slap him and will never speak to him in my life. I still think
Mrs Rothschild’s and your idea is utter insanity but I will oblige you in this,
“Thank you, darling,” she replies enthusiastically just as the maid
returns with the tea.
“I just hope I don’t come to regret this decision,” I mutter under my
breath as my aunt proceeds to serves us tea.
Short one today. Had a long day and a few banner requests. Will try for
a longer one tomorrow.
Hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading :)
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